Research Topics
- Quantum Information Processing
Heterogeneous spin systems for quantum computation seek to combine the strengths of their constituents: electron spins for fast, versatile and high-fidelity readout and control, and nuclear spins operating as well-shielded quantum bits for storage and processing information. more...
- Quantum Sensing
Precision sensing is key to studies ranging from single molecule spectroscopy to dark matter studies. Using quantum states of physical systems/devices for sensing can outperform all known classical routes for sensing and imaging. more...
- Magneto Optics
We develop techniques whereby quantum information can be exchanged in a controlled fashion between light fields and material systems. more...
- Nanoparticle Photonics
Optically functionalized nanoparticles are an ideal structure for a variety of research fields ranging from biophotonics to quantum optics. The research in the group concentrates on multifunctional photonic nanoparticles. Among those particles are diamond nanocrystals and carbon dots. more...

Jörg Wrachtrup
Prof. Dr.Head of Department
[Image: David Ausserhofer]

Claudia Weller